...or carrots?! The different name is basically more regional - in some areas it also refers to the shape. But this is not an "official" difference.
Originally, there were different colored carrots: white, yellow and red-violet, which then came from the Mediterranean region and Afghanistan. For many years, yellow carrots were number one, until the orange carrot arrived - from Holland (allegedly in honor of the royal family). Now, however, colored carrots are conquering the market again.
In addition to fiber and low calories, carrots are a good source of vitamin A and biotin and, of course, beta-carotene. Carrots are healthy for the eyes, skin and heart and protect against diabetes, arteriosclerosis and cancer.
We process the carrots in many different ways. The carrots also come mainly from regional contract farming. We have peeled, sliced or diced products for you. Would carrot puree also be something for your products?

Carrot peeled
Description: whole | peeled | pieces | 5-8 cm
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Diced carrot
Description: 3.2 mm ǀ 5 mm ǀ 10 mm
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Carrot Julienne
Description: Fine cut 2 mm
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Carrot marinated
Description: various cut sizes in a vinegar marinade
on customer request
Packaging unit: 10 kg

Carrot puree
Description: fine
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Carrot slices
Description: 2 mm ǀ 5 mm ǀ 10 mm slices
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Carrot pins
Description: 2 mm x 5 mm ǀ 3.2 mm x 2 - 8 mm ǀ 5 mm x 5 - 8 mm
mm ǀ 10 mm x 2 - 8 mm ǀ 10 mm x 5 - 8 mm
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Diced carrot
Description: 6 mm x 6 mm ǀ 10 mm x 10 mm
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg

Carrot wave cut
Description: 19 mm - 27 mm
Packaging unit: 10 kg ǀ 20 kg