Our interview with "FreshPlaza" ...
A few weeks ago, we had a very nice interview with Ms. Luisa Heim from "FreshPlaze", a renowned press portal for the fruit and vegetable industry. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her.
You can read our report here. Have fun with it!
Sylvia Düpmann, Düpmann GmbH & Co. KG:
"Even if you're not dependent on the food service industry, this year was definitely quieter "Düpmann GmbH & Co. KG has been in the convenience business since the early 1970s. It all started with peeled potatoes and onions, and the company now processes a wide range of vegetables. We spoke to Quality Manager Sylvia Düpmann about the move to the new site, the current year and the future of the company.
The company has been based in Borgholzhausen since 2018, and since then production has gradually moved from the old site in Marienfeld. This fall, the move will be complete and only the crate washing will take place at the old location: "Nevertheless, the old site is not simply empty. If we seasonally exhaust the capacity of our space in Borgholzhausen, we can process additional quantities at the other site. The warehouse is also still in use and we are also considering renting out both the warehouse and production halls in the future."
The new site is conveniently located: "We are right next to the A33, which was a decisive factor in purchasing the land. The facility there is 5000m² in size and we currently process and market 14,000 tons of vegetables per year." The Düpmann's "colorful range of vegetables" includes carrots, garlic, leeks and a selection of fruit vegetables and mushrooms - but the main focus is on onions.
The onions are sourced from contract growers in the region, an aspect that is becoming increasingly important, notes Sylvia Düpmann: "It is not uncommon for onions to be peeled or cut for further processing in Poland, for example, in order to save costs. As regionality and sustainability are becoming increasingly important factors in the trade, we can draw on the full potential of our contract growers. We have been working with farmers for many years and have a lot of respect for their work."
The heat and drought of recent years has caused problems for many vegetable growers in Germany: "Farmers have had to do a lot. An enormous amount of planning and work goes into a supposedly simple product like onions. Thanks to major investments in irrigation, we can now process more and more German onions all year round. I don't think many people are aware of the amount of work involved."
The other vegetables that Düpmann GmbH & Co. KG processes are also sourced from Europe: "We have regular suppliers from the Netherlands and Spain. We have a good relationship of trust with our suppliers." Düpmann's main customers, in addition to the food service industry, are mainly processors from the delicatessen and convenience sector. "The demand for convenience itself, as well as the product range, has of course grown significantly since the 1970s. We are always open to new ideas and see ourselves as consultants and partners to our customers, enabling us to implement their wishes."
Even though the company only supplies the food service industry to a lesser extent, the coronavirus is having an impact on sales: "It's definitely quieter this year. Nevertheless, we are fortunately able to keep normal day-to-day operations running." Some of the 80 employees have been sent to work from home, but the company is also relying on a safe hygiene concept: "We have noticed that our employees are taking the virus very seriously and are adhering very well to the safety guidelines. The lockdown in spring was very stressful for everyone, but now we are seeing more calm and confidence in the measures. Nevertheless, I don't think there will be any easing before the end of December," concludes Düpmann.